Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Shoot Me

I am in no mood to blog.  It snowed today.  I have bronchitis.   My ribs feel broken.  Nope, in no mood to blog.


Kim said...

Hope you feel better soon! Sorry you feel so yucky. :(

Tricia said...

I'm sad to hear that it snowed. Hope you feel better soon. I updated my blog so if you need any reading materal feel free to spy.

Naomi said...

Erica, so sorry your feeling yucky. I just got over being sick and it was no fun at all so I hope you get better soon. And SNOW! Yuck! That would make me sick for weeks! :)

eric and girls said...

I am enjoying a nice beautiful fall day here. It's sunny and no rain whatsoever. I feel for you, bronchitis is the worse by far. I hope you feel better soon.

CorayFam said...

That is not fun babe!! I hope that you feel better soon!!

Stubbart said...

See, I knew you should have stayed in TX! It's beautiful fall weather here...just perfect for jeans instead of shorts. No snow here!

amanda. said...

i think it was like 76 today. literally.
and bless your ribs. and your bronchitis.
get better by thanksgiving...thats all i ask.
oh, and that you dont spread it to the little ones. i really wanna see them alive and kicking.

hoLLy said...

thats just crappiness. so so sorry girl! get better soon! also, you've been boo-ed so check my bloggy(like you care!) i know the last thing you care about his some dumb boo tag when you are feelin like poo.

Sarah Weiss said...

Ugh, that's awful. A little healthy tip . . . drink 1 T. apple cider vinegar (prefer Bragg's organic brand) mixed with juice or water twice a day. It clears out your throat in a day or so. Get better :-)

Amy said...

That is so sad. Feel better soon!

jessica said...

I hope you get well soon! I love reading your blog! Take Care!