Monday, October 26, 2009

Ego Trip

Getting Tess up after her naps is one of the highlights of my day. I am greeted by the biggest, gummiest grins every time. She loves me. Or getting out of her crib. Let's go with me.


April said...

She is so stinkin' cute. Could that smile be any bigger. What a cutie. Your kids are getting so big. Ryder looks like such a handsome stud going off to kindergarten. And Linely is looking so grown up with her long hair. You my darling are looking so tiny. I am way jealous. Way to go!!
Yes....I desperately miss watching games with you. Glenn goes to all the games while I watch the kids and we don't even get all the games at our house. Boring!!!!
Your tessa really is so darling!!

Maile said...

She is too cute. Kaia saw these pictures and responded, "Boo hoo. I wish I could give that girl a hug!"