If I hear the phrase, "I don't think Mitt stands a chance to make it to the White House, but at least he has done great things for our church," I might vomit. Or scream. Or violate the speaker. Are you kidding me?
First of all, Mitt has won more delegates than any other Republican candidate thus far. Is this insignificant?
Secondly, if you are making this statement, what are you doing to prove otherwise?? He certainly won't make it to the white house if we all just sit around on our butts saying we like him, but are unwilling to do anything to actually support him.
So to all of us who "support" Mitt, I have the following things to say:
1. I hope you all are a member of Team Mitt. If not, shame on you. Seriously, you haven't even gone to the guy's website and filled out five lines so that you can receive emails and stay updated with the goings ons of his campaign. Honestly, that disgusts me. I don't care if that is offensive. I am offended. http://www.mittromney.com/ Go there. Become a member. Show some support. Otherwise, vote for Hillary. It makes no difference at this point.
2. Now that we are all part of Team Mitt, I hope we are doing something to advance his campaign. Emailing our friends. How hard is that? I hope that we all participate in the National call days. Even if you only have time to make 5 calls. That is five minutes. If you don't have 5 minutes, you need to take a good hard look at your life.
3. Give the guy some money. Twenty-five bucks. That's it.
4. Buy something from his store. A sign for your yard, a magnet for your car. These things cost $5 and you shy folks are able to show your support without having to utter a word.
Another phrase I have a problem with: "I am voting for Mitt, but not because he is Mormon." What the heck is wrong with voting for the guy because he is Mormon? Here is a man who, because of his religion, shares the exact same intrinsic core values that you do. Most important to him is the family. Most important to me is the family. Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints form his foundation. Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints form my foundation. You bet I am voting for this guy because he is Mormon. I am also voting for him because I share his stance on the issues. I am not shy that I support a Mormon because he is a Mormon and I am a Mormon. This fact strengthens my support and belief that he is the right candidate for me and for this country.
This is a big deal. We get the opportunity to become involved in a cause that will affect this nation. Why are so many of us sitting on our butts?? I don't get it. Mitt couldn't make it any easier for us to become involved. To stand for something. To make a difference. Calls from your own home that don't cost you a dime. Why aren't we all doing this?? Giving him some extra cash instead of going out to eat on Friday? Which one of these will have a longer lasting effect??
The next person that has something unpositive about Mitt, watch out. I will call you out on what you are doing to help advance his candidacy. Seriously, it makes me sick to my stomach. Passiveness will not win this election. Conversing among Mormons about how great Mitt is....not going to win the election. And dangit, we can and will win this election....we all just have to be willing to make it happen.
I will stop my rant. Oh, and if you aren't a Mitt supporter. Good for you. I hope you are doing everything you can to show your support to your candidate of choice.
On to Michigan. Can't wait to be making calls with all of you then!!
i loved this post erica. you said it all and said it well. i need to do more to be a better mitt supporter. thanks for the inspiring(and threatening) words! :)
Amen, sista.
Seriously, you covered it. I'm sick of the media blowing him off. Don't they realize each candidate, Republican as well as Democrat, has won a primary now? If that doesn't say more about the state of the nation's mind I don't know what does. You'd think it would be front page news, but apparently the media just gets too much of a kick out of putting a slant on things, and ignoring the results from Wyoming.
Great post! I'm undecided as yet, but I'm getting close. Mitt's definitely one I'm considering.
Okay I am sooo glad I came to your page today, I feel the same way!!! I just joined his team today :)
I'm so glad that you said that it's ok to vote for Mitt because he's mormon and you're mormon. I hate that people act as if I must be ignorant because apparently if a mormon is choosing to support a mormon candidate and one of the reasons is that he's mormon, you haven't even looked at anything else. I have looked at all the top candidates and their view points and I've watched the debates. Mitt is by far the one who appears most presidential to me and he is the one that I agree with most. It's not that I haven't done any research and I'm blindly supporting Mitt because he's LDS and I'm LDS.
Would you vote for Hillary if she was Mormon? I didn't think so. Maybe you should think about the religion factor a little bit more. Just because a candidate is a member of your Church does not make him the best candidate for the President of the United States of America.
Oh you silly boy. You know I don't bite and I appreciate and welcome others' opinions...no need to be shy here (obviously I am not). What fun is politics if we all agree?? Now, lets make sure though that we read the entire paragraph which states, "You bet I am voting for this guy because he is Mormon. I am also voting for him because I share his stance on the issues." My point in the paragraph is simply that Mitt supporters should not feel badly that the candidate they support (based on the politics) shares the same religion as them. They should embrace it. We do not need to dismiss the fact that he is Mormon in order to make ourselves sound legitimate. We should not be wary to point out that, yes...this guy is mormon and I am mormon. And lucky for me, here is a candidate who shares the same beliefs I do. Who shares the same vision of America as I. Hillary, Mormon or not, does not share the same beliefs I do. Her position on many policies vary from mine. That is all it is. If Mitt was pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anxious to raise my taxes and rush out of Iraq, I would still vote for him because he is the sexiest candidate. Ok, that is a lie (although he is the sexiest candidate). He wouldn't stand a chance, Mormon or not. You're right there. If Harry Reid ran for prez...he would NOT have my vote. Nevertheless, the man that has my vote, is Mormon, and I will not belittle or shy away from that fact. I am proud that the man who has my vote is a Mormon, just as I am proud that I am a Mormon (Oh, and if I had to choose a democrat, between Obama and Hillary, Hillary, unfortunately, would get my vote). And that should make everything clear as mud.
Erica, I love your go get-'em attitude. I would absolutely hate to be on your wrong side. Now I know why Allen stays in shape, you've probably kicked his butt too many times huh?
I love people who say that America needs a change and then give their vote to someone like Senator McCain. I'm from Arizona, I know what this guy is about!
The only candidate that will be able to make the changes necessary for our country is Mitt Romney. He is the only one who has shown he has the ability, and the courage to do what is necessary to get it done. The more often I listen to him speak the more I like him and the more convinced I am that he is the man for the job. I've checked out my candidates and it's Mitt all the way! Maybe I should do what you said and start making phone calls! I'll get on that right away, thanks Erica!
James and I are still undecided, but we are a little irked the way the media is treating him. They obviously don't like him so they blather on about how he isn't doing well and will probably have to drop out soon. Whatever.
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