Since I somewhat regularly complain about my children, I suppose it is time I say some nice things about them....especially since they have been most fabulous, really, since we left for Florida. They are becoming the most fun little twosome in the world. They completely love each other. Ryder is constantly calling
his best friend, and she is always running up to him to give him a big fat hug. She has also, finally, started giving kisses, which I am repeatedly asking for. Poor girl.

Ryder is really starting to become my little man, evidenced by the fact that he no longer feels the need to indulge in his afternoon nap. He went to primary for the first time on Sunday and informed me after that, "Nursery is with toys and is for hitting. Primary is for listening. I was a good listener. I learned that when we are cold, we drink coffee. Our bodies like coffee." I gave him a slightly confused look, to which he promptly replied, "I mean, our bodies don't like coffee. They like hot cocoa." He has made drastic improvements as of late in regards to sharing, hitting, and obedience. He is my little helper, which makes my days so happy. He is always willing to play with his little sister, gets the
swiffer out and dusts and uses the swivel sweeper almost daily. He has also finally figured out my role in his life. Yesterday he asked me to bring him his
blankie. I asked him, "Now why would I do that Ryder?" He quickly replied, "because you are my slave." Sweet.

Linley is at the cutest age. She is such a bundle of joy and laughter. She is a complete tease and comedian. She is also getting better at staying happy in her car seat. Her new favorite word, however, is "out" which she seems to never tire of. Out of her crib, out of her high chair, out of her car seat. She always wants out. She has also become quite fond of, "No, no." This is often used when taking her out of the bath or trying to pass her off to her father. Her current cutest attribute comes when she is
poopy. She promptly runs to me, pointing to her butt, yelling, "
tinky." It is so dang adorable. Last Sunday was her first Sunday in nursery. She screamed for a while, but they never brought her to me, so I say, success!! She, too, thinks she is growing a little old for naps, and as such, thinks one a day is more than plenty. This is not good for my daily shower routine,
dangit. She has also mastered her vanity. For quite a while now she runs to my closet to admire her outfit in my full length mirror. Now, she has, much to my pleasure, begun to understand the beauty in bows on the head. She asks for her bows every morning, at which point she begs to look at herself in the mirror. Upon seeing her gorgeousness, she says, "pity." She sure is. This is the biggest accomplishment of them all!!
she sure is pity! its crazy how much bows can make a little girl look ten times older too.
and i lol about ryder calling you his slave:) that is freakin hilarious. he is smart, because in reality i think that is what moms are...poor slaves....
Ryder is hilarious!! And I'm quite jealous Linley's already in nursery. We still have a month to go.
That is so funny. I am laughing out loud as I read this. Especially at Ryder's coffee and slave remarks. haha.
Way to go Linley! How exciting that Ryder is in Primary and Linley is in nursery. It must be nice to actually hear the speaker at church...
Linley is looking more and more like you! Soon you will be twins.
You're kids are so dang cute! Ryder is quite the little comedian.
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