Friday, January 25, 2008

I Wanna be a Papparazi

First of all, how often does that happen?In this household, truthfully, next to never. My children are not the sit down and watch TV type. In fact, they aren't the sit down type at all. Sure, this moment lasted only about 5 seconds after the flash went off, it is forever ingrained in my memory as a victory. And yes, I do consider my children watching television a victory...I am not ashamed. Don't judge me.
On to my next subject, I have begun a five-week course in photography. My girlfriend is teaching it as part of an Enrichment group. Our homework for this week is to take a ton of pictures with the different menu options on the digi camera. So, here are some of the things I learned and liked from my first attempt.

This one I just think is kind of cool because you can see her reflection in the glass.
This one I really like the shadowing.
This one I just like....but I learned that I screwed up on the lighting.
These aren't the cutest shots, but I figured out how to fix my lighting and I think there is a pretty significant difference.

I am excited to keep learning and practicing....I know, I if I don't post enough pics of the kiddos already. Its a disorder. They are cute. I can't help it.


Amy said...

wow, its amazing how small differences in the pictures make a big difference in appeal. I think you ought to post what you learn on here and teach all your blog stalkers different photo technique!!

Jess said...

I'm not judging you--I love it when Emma watches TV too! (Baby Einstein mostly). And I agree with Amy--let us know what you learn!

Audrey said...

What a fun interest group. I would love to have something like that in my ward. Maybe I'll have to make a suggestion to the RS pres.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I LOVE seeing pics of the kiddo's, but I'll be honest, I really want to see pics of your house. I have noticed in a couple of rooms color on the walls, flooring, etc. So show us some before and after, I LOVE watching HGTV!!!!

Maile said...

How did you get Linley's reflection to be so clear in the first picture? I was just trying to take that type picture yesterday, and failed miserably. =) Maybe I just need to start playing. It is amazing how the lighting changed the pictures so much.

hoLLy said...

i think you have a photographic eye girl! my favorites of linley are the second and fourth(the lighting is great on that one). isn't it crazy how much lighting and settings on your camera can change a picture? joey has shown me a few things. photography is fun!

Naomi said...

oh my word girl! Those pictures of Linley are awesome! Look at you! A couple of classes and your a pro!