Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm Failing

In an effort to retrain our spending habits (read: in Allen's effort to retrain my spending habits) after a few months of apparently blowing through too much cash(both of our birthdays, our anniversary, christmas, and traveling for thanksgiving and christmas in a two month period has a tendency to melt money away), I promised Allen that I would spend NO money in January on discretionary items, such as clothing and shoes, and in an effort to ensure that I spend no money in January, I agreed to refrain from shopping online or shopping at the mall, or well, shopping period. Rotorooter already ruined our goal to not spend anything outside of the usual bills, grocery, gas, etc. Thanks guys. And then that sort of sent me into a tail spin (it is totally fair to blame my bad habits on poopy problems). I fell off the wagon. But before I confess my sins, realize I have not spent even two minutes shopping online until yesterday. That is fasting from shopping for over a week. Did you really think I could even make it that long Allen? I deserve some serious credit. And regardless if I slipped into shopping oblivion, I am still keeping strong on my promise to purchase nothing this entire month. Forgive me love, but sometimes I just need to see something pretty and imagine myself wearing it. Yesterday, in a moment of weakness, became one of those days, and I "stumbled" upon this dress at

My girlfriend Jenny introduced me to this site a couple months ago and I am madly in love with it. I think this dress is completely adorable (BTW, do you happen to own this puppy Jenny, and if so, what size do you think I should buy??....she is my fashion consultant).
And by buy, honey love, I of course don't mean this month. Just when the time is right and I have your permission because I am that kind of loyal, honorable wife.
I am also curbing my online shopping again, Allen, because you are right, once I start, I cannot control myself, and I will buy. I hope you understand and appreciate this sacrifice as it is Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale and there is free shipping with no minimum purchase. I am not even going to look. That is huge. Perhaps even deserving of a cute, little, sophisticated brown dress??


Jenny said...

that dress sits in my shopping cart on a regular basis. I never end up buying it as like you I have goals that involve my uncontrolled shopping habits. This is sad as we live on student loans, but really, what's another few hundred bucks, right? You should buy that dress as soon as you can, I think it's adorable!
I wish they had a support group for people like us, I really do!

Jenny said...

As for size, depending on your bust size..mine is pitifully tiny these days (saving for augmentations as we speak)I'd get at least a small. Medium would totally drown you. If all else fails take measurements.

Anonymous said...

Erica, you have start emailing of these shopping specials. I do not have the much time right now to shop, but I love Victoria Secret sales...........more so, the free shipping!!!! check out

Amy said...

That is a very cute dress. I'm off to check out the site it is sold at...

hoLLy said...

i've heard a lot about shabby apple-i need to check out that site asap. you would look great in it fo sho!

hoLLy said...

also, fyi, that dress is on sale right now. not trying to tempt you...or am i?

Audrey and Geoffery said...

Hi Erica, I check your blog from time to time and I saw that you want this dress. Well me and my sister, Ashley wanted it too. So she bought it before Thanksgiving and was pretty disappointed when she got it in the mail and ended up returning it. The material wasn't what she thought it was and was rougher than she realized. I didn't get to see the dress myself, but it kept me from buying it. Just a FYI, but I have a hard time too believing that it isn't cute, because it looks soo cute on the model.