This is a man that I not only revered, reverenced, and had complete faith and trust in. This is a man I truly loved. Real love. Because of him, I strive to stand a little taller and try a little harder. He was my prophet and he has profoundly influenced my life. I have had many opportunities to share a room with him and hear him speak....at General Conference in the conference center, at a regional conference in California, at devotionals and firesides in the Marriott Center, but my most profound memory of him happened by chance. My parents and I were passing through Utah on a Sunday and stopped to attend church at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. To our luck, it happened to be President
Hinckley's ward, and even luckier, he was there. Following Sacrament meeting he entered the hall to greet his ward. He came up to my family, and me personally and spoke to us. He was so sweet and sincere. He didn't just shake my hand and move on, he held it, firmly, for what felt like minutes. He smiled at me with those eyes and smile that just make you want to throw your arms around him and never let go. At that moment I knew that our prophet truly loved me. It was the most undeniable feeling of love. It can't be explained, only felt. The same as the power one feels anytime this dear prophet entered the room. Even in the vastness of the Marriott Center or the Conference Center, one could not deny the feeling of power this man held while standing in his presence. He truly was a
prophet of God, and he will be missed immensely. I know he is smiling and laughing with sweet Marjorie in heaven right now. I love you my dear prophet.
wow-what a neat story of getting to meet him. i am so jealous. i always hoped to be able to shake his hand but never had the privilege. i'm going to miss him so much. he was(is still) my hero!
What a great story about getting to meet him! I have never been in the same room with him but can imagine it would be an amazing experience, you are very lucky!
I am so happy for him that he he lived such an amazing life and now he is home with his wife.
What a great man! I'm sorry he's not with us anymore, but I can only imagine the sweet reunion he and Marjorie had.
Your testimony of the prophet really touched me. Thanks for sharing that.
Wow, to shake the prophet's hand. What a great experience. Loved your testimony of the prophet. He was such a great man and will definately be missed.
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