Monday, June 30, 2008
Bon Voyage Nielsen's
Our kids had one last play date before we had to say goodbye. Ryder asks me everyday now if we can go to Gavin's house. I tell him Gavin moved and he says he knows. He wants to go to Gavin's house in California. Naturally. He also mentions quite regularly that he wants to give Maddie more squeezes. These two really are destined for one another.
Even though we have moved tons and have had many many friends move away from us, I love it all. I feel that all of these different places and experiences have blessed me and my family with so many wonderful friends for life! And hello, free places to stay and eat all over the US :) Disneyland here we come....
Dynamic Trio of Duos
Check out this awesome group of people. Last weekend we went on a triple date with two of our most favorite couples, the Nielsen's and the Ure's. It was such a perfect evening, complete with yummy Mongolian BBQ, a 45 minute lecture/speech/palm reading by the owner of the restaurant, then topped off with Coldstone. Thanks for sharing in our memory making!
PS- Let's try to ignore my bad posture and really really hope that my mother doesn't notice so I may avoid lectures about how sitting like a monkey does not do anything for me.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Pool Daze
Whenever I hear the words, "community pool," gonorrhea infested waters immediately enter my mind. Then summer hit us pretty hard a couple weeks ago and I realized I would do anything to keep the children cool and entertained. So, the family joined the Summit Aquatic Center. Holy mini-water park. No STDs floating here. Well, probably there is, but it is too much fun to care. There is a humongous pool with two awesome water slides, and then the most fantastic kiddie pool I have ever seen. It was perfect. I feel completely ready and excited for summer. The kids were in heaven. Equally. We seriously live 4 minutes away from sun-shiny bliss. I might get a tan this year after all. This place just keeps getting better and better.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Erica the Modern June Cleaver
So there are rare moments on rare days where I feel like I am doing pretty decent as a wife and mother. This afternoon was one of those prized moments. The kids were at the dining table happily rolling out their Play-Doh while I was in the kitchen rolling out my homemade egg noodles for tonights chicken noodle soup and checking on my rising loaves of bread. There are few things sweeter in life than having all the dinner food prep done before 4 pm. My world does not get any more picturesque than this. Oh, except for the fact that the cops came by this morning to check on our household as someone had dialed 9-1-1 and hung up from our location. Which still seems strange to me since little Linley and I were playing in her room and Ryder was watching a movie and the phones hadn't been touched. Still, that will make for some great neighborhood stories I am sure. "Did you see that police car parked outside of the Zimmerman's this morning......" Fabulous!
Erica the A-lister

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fabulous Father's
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Linley Linley Bo Binley