Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm Done. Finished. In a good way. She's got it. She tells me when she needs to pee. If two hours have passed without her telling me, I throw her on the potty, she goes and we move on to the next 2 hours of the day. Throughout the week of training, we had only one poopy accident on day 2. Since then it has simply been, "Mommy, go ewww." And away we go. Fabulous!! I am actually going to be able to spend at least (emphasis on at least here folks) the next nine months without having to change a stinky diaper. I am so in love with my life. Not to mention the additional sixty bucks a month I am now saving. Perhaps that money should go into my shoe fund....what do you say sweet hubster of mine?? I love this girl! She never fails to impress me!!
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eric and girls said...

the next nine months without changing a stinky diaper.... Is that an announcement?

Amy said...

That is awesome. And Linley looks like a model in this picture.

Anonymous said...

No freaking joke, before I read your blog, i wrote one (read it) and at the end mentioned you and jess about a shoe fund.......LOL, I am about to pee in my pants funny.........ahhh beautiful minds think alike. So when you said at least nine months are you saying you are prego??? Please excuse my stupidness, it has been a very long stinking two days of the week

hoLLy said...

yea linley! but mostly yea erica! once they get potty trained, its heaven... well, until you have another:)

so you and allen are trying for #3? cool! i bet he is happy:) i know joey loves to "try."

Erica said...

Not pregnant. Not trying to get pregnant. Hence the emphasis on at least nine months. Sorry ladies.

CorayFam said...

I am so jealous!! Jackson is two and a half and could not be less interested in being trained! I can't wait for the day that he is!! I love your new blog background. SO cute.

Stubbart said...

Wow, she is impressive! It seems like you just had her and left all of us Texans here by ourselves! Time to move back! :)

Naomi said...

Yayyyy for Linley! Love the pics of her. She is just so stinkin' adorable! I just can't believe how much she has grown since the first time we met your family. Time has sure flown by!

amanda. said...

what the big?

Mistie said...

Look at what a heart-throb she is!! Her hair is getting so long. And those shoes just add to the outfit...you are teaching her well. And wow-- she is potty-trained?!! I am impressed!! It does make life easier (well, i guess until you are in the City and cant find a bathroom!!). Good job Erica!