Last night the ward rented out the local hockey arena for a family skate night. Linley was far more enamored with sliding skittishly on the ice than her brother. That obviously comes from her father. I kept my feet nice and warm in my heels. I can barely manage walking on dry pavement in a pair of sneakers. Slippery ice and teeny tiny blades really just don't work for me. It was such a fun weeknight capped off with donuts and milk. This ward is so phenomenal!

Looks like they had fun. I am with you though I wouldn't even put skates on. Something about balancing on them and trying to move on the ice just doesn't excite me.
What a fun activity for your ward. But I'm totally with you on the sidelines. Ha, can you believe it! I'm from Canada and never skated before. Well, I'll be honest, it was once for a date but really, I don't even think I was actually up on the skates. Was on my bum the entire time!
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