My parents stopped in for a visit over Conference weekend. The girls shopped (okay, well mostly I got us lost in the car for hours, but during the in between time we shopped...don't remove the GPS from the female driver's vehicle), and the boys worked their hineys off. It was such a wonderful weekend. Grandma and Linley bonded between foot massages and manis and pedis. Ryder and Grandpa and Allen kept the testosterone brewing as they framed out the new wall, framed and sheet rocked the ceiling, and installed recessed lighting. What manly men I have in my family. Geniuses, all of them.
So Billy, when are you coming back to finish taping and mudding?? You don't really expect us to finish this ourselves do you??

Seriously though, you were awesome. I know you exhausted yourself and we get to reap the rewards. You're the best daddy in the whole wide world (except you Allen, of course)!!
Wow! That is impressive.
You've got one awesome Daddy!
I bet you'll be glad when it's all finished! Don't you hate having to live in half finished projects? I can't wait to see the final pictures!
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