Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Four-Ever Young...I hope

Yesterday was the little man's 4th birthday!! Holy mother I have a four-old. We partied the night away at Chuck-E-Cheese, complete with games, pizza, presents, and his specially requested orange dinosaur with blue dots. Happy Birthday are the best little boy a mommy could ask for!!

The birthday boy was a Skeet Ball fanatic!!

Ryder loved all his presents!! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Wallace for all the fun toys. He can't wait to delve into the massive amount of Play-Doh things. But seriously, did you need to get him three sets?? You really do want to punish me! He is so excited to go to Toys 'R Us to pick out a toy with his birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa Z!! And the boys stayed up late last night playing Mariokart. The handsome hubster was the purchaser of this present. Ulterior motives anyone??


Maile said...

Happy birthday, Ryder! What a fun party!! I love your hair, Erica.

Stubbart said...

Don't you feel old now? It's amazing how the older our kids get, the older it makes us feel!

Happy Birthday Ryder!

Kristin said...

It looks like you all had a great time!! So happy for you and so sad for me! We should be celebrating our 4 year olds' birthdays together, dangit!! Give Ryder big hugs from me and make him remember (or relearn) who I am. Got it!? I want an easy transition when we finally meet up with you guys! (:
Love Ya,

Sarah Weiss said...

Wow, you make amazing cakes! What a talent! Happy Birthday Ryder!

jessica said...

I can't believe he is 4 already! I love the cake, it is so cute! What are the dates you will be in the ATL?

Coray Family said...

Happy Birthday Ryder!!! I cannot believe that you have a four year old either but you look dang good so what does it matter right? Miss ya

Tricia said...

I can't believe your little dude is 4. I remember like it was yesterday at Elliot's wedding he was just a little dude in diapers. He was so cute. He's still cute. That was a fun cake you made.

Tara D. said...

Happy belated birthday, Ryder!!!

Anonymous said...

Time sure does fly uh? When are you coming down to see the new baby? Talk with you soon!!!

hoLLy said...

nothin like partying it up with that freakishly huge robot mouse:) chuck e is da man! can i admit i LOVE the pizza there? well, i do and i don't care who knows it!

happy happy birthday ryder dear! can't believe these kids are 4 now. seems like just yesterday we were all in corpus prego with them!

Mistie said...

Happy bday Ryder...we miss you!
Chucky Cheese is the best! I love the pict of him showing that he is is priceless!

Amy said...

wow, that picture of him holding up his 4 fingers is SO cute! Looks like you all had a great day celebrating Ryder's birthday :)