Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What the (insert expletive of choice)???

This is unexpected.


Brandon, Erika & Rozlyn said...

You almost got me Erica!

Anonymous said...

If that's true, congrats! If it's an April Fool's joke, good one!

Amy said...

So does this mean you'll have 2 in diapers at the same time?? If so, the joke's on you! (just kidding, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.) I totally thought you were really pregnant for a good 3 minutes there!

eric and girls said...

I am not going to comment since it's April's fool

hoLLy said...

this is an april fools joke right?

Anonymous said...

WOW,........? (i am speechless)

Maile said...

I almost fell over, until I saw the date. But wouldn't 3 be fun? Ha ha ha.

Megan said...

you're a sped.

Naomi said...

Tee Hee! Maile warned me about this post. I still think it's the best April Fool's joke ever!

jessica said...

You got me!