Monday, April 28, 2008

Friends with Benefits

Two of Allen's good buddies work for a hedge fund whose owner just so happens to also own the Mets. Allen went with one of these buddies to watch the Mets beat the Braves (sorry Dad) on Saturday, sitting in the nosebleeds of the owner's box. Rough. Unlimited pop and hot dogs. Do you see the goofy grin on this man's face?? Obviously he enjoyed himself.


hoLLy said...

its always good to have friends in high places:) thats the only reason we're friends with you guys. i know some day you'll get us a hookup somewhere. :) you better or this relationship is over people.

Anonymous said...

Lol, your friend Holly is so hilarious........."or this relationship is over people." I needed some good humor today, thanks Holly!!!!

hoLLy said...

caseyfam05, can i be your friend? :) email me your blog invite so we can take the next step :) i'm kidding, kinda.