Miss Linley Brooke is officially terrific, I mean terrible, I mean, adorably almost two and all that comes with it. She is a screamer. And dramatic. And fully hormonal. Except minus the hormones. "No" is her favorite high-pitched-loud-enough-to-scare-the-neighbors word, and is used often. Like at 5:45 this morning when she thought she should begin her day and I thought otherwise. She is a biter, and a slapper. I am generally the recipient. She spends more time in time-out than her monkey brother. And her latest and greatest is her refusal to wear a diaper. Which can only mean one thing:
A crappy (I mean this literally) next week, or two weeks, or month (I will be suicidal if it takes that long). I can no longer deny her desire to be potty-trained. We started this afternoon. So far, 4 pees in the potty, two little splatters on the floor. I'll take those numbers. For now. We'll see what happens when poopy time rolls around. I do have to admit I think it is cute seeing her naked bum running all over the place (I am a huge proponent of naked bums during the potty-training process, should you be at all interested).
Continuing with the "Linley is adding a bit of difficulty to my life" theme, the kids and I headed to Costco for the big first-of-the-month grocery shopping trip. I got the kids loaded up in the cart, gave them their snacks, and began my mad dash to grab everthing as quickly as possible to avoid meltdown. Ten minutes into the trip, I bend down to grab the vanilla, then look up to see sweet Linley puking her guts out. This continues, for 20 minutes. I clean her up, she pukes. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Fully nightmarish things going on right there in the baking aisle. Have you ever cleaned puke off of a grocery cart? Not my shiniest moment. As a consolation prize for the Costco trip that ended up taking two hours instead of 30 minutes, I bought the kids churros. Because what is better for a kid that just finished puking her guts out than fried grease covered in sugar? She didn't puke again, but I almost did
Still, this girl is the cutest thing in the world and manages to keep a smile glued on my face almost all of the time (I'm her mother, I have to say that).
Here she is vocalizing what she thought of me filming her during the urination process.
sounds like you have quite the adventures. The video sure does put a smile to your face. Good luck with potty training.
I think she is definitely ahead of her age! Sense of privacy and everything! She is pretty cute sitting there screaming. I love naked bums during the potty training process as well...it cuts down on laundry!
Come on MOM! She wants some privacy! I think that is sooooo cute! So really, I'd be doing the same thing. :)
Good luck with the potty training and I hope all goes well and that she'll be trained in no time. It looks like she is well on her way. So sorry to hear about your Costco incident. That's when you really wonder if you should just walk away and go hide behind the bulk food.
I am reaching the same point in the potty training process with Trey. I have to tell you, I'm a little bit overwhelmed with the fact the he has this attachment that can project pee in many different directions even when he's sitting on the potty. Why can't boys just sit and have the pee go where it's supposed to like girls?
I would say, give her some credit--she's super modest, but then you said she runs around with her bum hanging out, so there goes that theory.
Sorry about the puke and to make it all the much, much, much-ly more worse--it happened in a public place!!! I think there's a medal waiting for you somewhere.
LOVE the movie! I love that you're sitting their filming while she's crying - I totally would have done the same thing! Some things just need to be saved for posterity's sake.
You're having way more luck potty training Linley than we are with Asher. The closest we get is him making "the pooping face" in the bath so we can hear the screams of his sister - who has a deathly fear of poop in tubs, not that I can blame her. =)
I LOVE IT!!!! You are doing a very good job!!! That my dear, all of the above, is why I am stopping at #2. Keep us updated on these happenings, gives me something to prepare for.
Wow, I have to hand it to you. I think your nightmare experience tops mine. My heart truly goes out to you. Whenever I'm having major problems with the kids I start renting supernanny dvd's and I get a second wind on tackling my monsters :-)
LOVED the post! Good Luck on the potty training! I can't believe you made a video!!! :) She just wanted some privacy. Thinks for the lovely update. I can't wait for more House pictures.
LOL! i love how you were just so calmly sitting there while she was totally freaking out at you. that was too funny. ah, the joys of potty training. . .i say we moms just go on strike and stop this whole potty training thing. ya know, just let them keep peeing and crapping their pants until they are swimming in it. i think they'll eventually stop when they can no longer walk.
K- i am evil, i know, but i am laughing that Linley is giving you difficulty and is on time-out more than Ryder. I remember in the early days of Linley's life and you said...oh, she is a pure angel and so opposite from how Ryder was. Too funny. Really i shouldnt laugh b/c i have a little girl that is growing up and i will probably be calling you for advice! Even if she is naughty, though, she sure is a cutey!
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