Friday, February 1, 2008

Fat Friday

This morning the kids and I went to a birthday party at a friends house. It was fun. I ate three large cupcakes. I felt fat, but happily so.
I came home and vowed I would not put another morsel of food into my mouth until morning.
Another girlfriend called at 2 saying she would be pulling hot homemade cinnamon rolls out of the oven at 4 and could I help her consume them?
All vows instantly thrown out the window.
I ate four. I feel fat, only now, not so happily so.


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling anytime I put food in my mouth, any suggestions on how to loose the baby weight?

Amy said...

haha, I know the feeling! My day was similar only instead of food it was productivity. Today was supposed to be my homework day. Instead I went to 27 Dresses, Chili's for lunch, blog surfed, emailed, and generally wasted time. The movie and lunch were wasted happily, and now after doing the rest I am not happy. No not happy at all.

Brad Milkwick said...

I am glad you gave in!!! Who can resist CUPCAKES and HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS???

NOT ME! I would have eatten more than you did! I have been craving sweets so bad the last few days! I have been eating honey butter on bread! That didn't work so I made brownies!

Brad Milkwick said...

I left the message, not my sweet hubby!
