Sunday, February 3, 2008

What You Won't Hear in the News

Things like: Mitt won in Maine. Add 18 delegates to our count please (Maine does things weird and the delegates can actually change their votes at the National Convention, but regardless, the people voted and those delegates are ours).
According to the Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll, Romney is 3 points ahead of McCain in California.
Point is, Mitt is again gaining some momentum. Americans are (hopefully) realizing that McClinton is no Republican and will not be doing America any favors by making him President.
So, here is where we Mitt supporters come in. Super Tuesday is in 3 days. We have two days left to make calls. Lets keep his momentum going!!

Call times are
Sunday, 1-8pm EST
Monday, Noon-10pm EST

As you know, to begin, visit

Have fun!!


Amy said...

Another thing you won't hear on the news: -John McCain uses his office to bolster him up on the campaign trail. For example, in the time period of 10/17/05 to 1/28/08, Sen. McCain missed 300 votes in the Senate. He has a missed vote percentage of 56.3% (251 missed out of 446 total votes) just for the 110th Congress. He is second only to Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota, only because Sen. Johnson suffered a brain hemorrhage on Dec. 13th 2006 and hasn't returned to the Senate. I got this info from if you want to look at it too.

Today Jon and I ran around town putting up Mitt Romney '08 signs. We figured it was an appropriate family Sunday activity since we made some memories and are supporting our country.

Amy said...

oh yeah, if you want to check out a political blog where a bunch of Arizonies are McCain bashing, check out

Anonymous said...


Erica said...

McCain is far more aptly titled McClinton. What's the difference between him and Hillary?? Not enough for me. I see little distinguishment.