I went to bed depressed. I woke up depressed. I spent the day depressed. McClinton and Suckabee really threw a wrench in the future of the Republican party with all of their crap and back-door deals and sliminess. There is a knot in my tummy that won't go away. The one that says that if Mitt can't pull off what he has already been written off to do, I am at a complete loss for who I think could successfully run this country. I honestly don't have a clue, because I am confident there is no one. I may have an ulcer by November if this does not improve.
Linley is finally all better, so I escaped my depression by spending the afternoon with Maile and her cute kids at the Liberty Science Center. It was just what I needed. The kids were able to run wild and enjoy themselves, and I was able to sit and vent and have adult conversation with my girlfriend. So thanks Maile-it was perfect, and I absolutely love talking politics with you!! And the fact that it was 65 degrees certainly helped lift my spirits as well. 

There is an unbalanced amount of Linley pictures in this batch. I realize that. Ryder doesn't hold still. Well, Linley doesn't either, but she likes the camera a lot more that her brother who was completely captivated by everything he saw and touched.

OH MY WORD!!!!!!!! That picture of Linley is the funniest thing I think I have ever seen! I texted Amanda telling her she had to go to your blog to see how funny it was and her response was, "Hahahah the air one!? Sped of the first class right there." HAHAHHA I could not have said it better myself. That picture is so priceless. You need to blow it up, frame it, and use it as blackmail for the rest of Linley's life. That is how awesome that picture is.
oh and i love the girls face next to her like...what the heck??
This picture is now the background on my computer cause I can't stop laughing everytime I see it!
i agree-that is the funniest picture ever! looks like you guys had a great time.
yeah, super tuesday wasn't so super. :(
Another admirer of your picture of Linley. Too good. I too was especially angry this morning. I blogged about it and I'm waiting for your echo!
We're so glad you could come with us!! Talking politics with you made my day much less depressing, even though the political situation is still so glum. But things always seem better after talking with friends!
I am sad too!!! I heart Mitt!
Cute pics of the family anyways! Linley is a doll.
So Mitt's out. NOW WHO AM I GOING TO VOTE FOR. I guess it's one of those cases where you just have to vote for the less of two evils. YUCK!
Check my blog, I tagged you!
Absolutely love the pic of Linley almost being blown over! Very cute! Love the science center. It has so many things to do. Glad you had a chance to go.
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